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How to access "Streaming Sermon" feature for monthly donors, those in ministry...

I greatly apologize that this section is a little wordy, but I wanted to make it as clear a process as possible... if you have ANY issues, please let me know (email me at and I will give you clarifications.

If you want to become a new monthly partner and receive access, follow these instructions:

There are basically three ways our monthly partners support us: the majority of our listeners do an automatic credit card donation which is processed once a month; a few go to our website each month and make a credit card donation whenever they want, on their schedule; and some simply send a check each month (Compassion Ministries, PO Box 91516, Portland, OR, 97291).  Any of these ways are great!  Just be aware if you do send checks, but want access to the sermons, you will still need to log in to the website and create a profile so we can turn on the access for the profile.

If you want to donate by credit card, whether automatically or on your own, here is how:

- Go back to the main homepage of this website (

- Click on the "make a donation" button in the bottom middle to begin the process.  In making an initial donation, it will walk you through the process of creating a profile as well.

- If you want us to continue the donation automatically using the card you have used, as most of our monthly donors do, please let us know this in the "notes" field... say something like "please continue this donation for this amount on this card, on the [5th] or the [20th] (whichever you prefer we cluster donations around those days) of the month, and please give me access to the sermons."

- If you want to make donations on your own schedule, just repeat this monthly.

Oh... and to answer another common question, there is no set donation requirement as far as amount, none at all.  We just ask that you prayerfully consider and do what's on your heart... and know that we know very well these are trying financial times, and any amount you partner with us is humbling, and a great blessing to the ministry.

If you are in ministry in some capacity and would benefit from free access to the sermons:

My dad's heart, and in fact the impetus behind the creation of Compassion Ministries over 30 years ago, was to support those who support others.  And while now the people who donate to us do so to further the radio ministry and we are no longer able to support those in ministry financially, we do so in the ways we can, which include providing books and CD's, as well as access to the monthly sermons.

If you are in ministry and would benefit from the sermons, you only need to create a profile on the website, and we will turn the feature on for you.

- Go to the homepage

- Select "sermon login" from the white dropdown box in the upper right hand corner of our webpage

- Choose "new members sign up here" and follow the prompts

Finally, once you have created the profile, you must let us know via email ( that you are signed up on the site and want the feature as the website does NOT let me know automatically when new people sign up.  We will then turn it on for you on our end, and send instructions, and away you go!

Lastly, if you are already a current monthly donor and do not yet have access and would like it, you will still need to create a profile on the website (unless you have a password already), so if you are not already signed up please make sure you follow the same steps given to those in ministry to register and create a profile, then let us know and we will turn the feature on for you as well.

Thank you again, so much, for your support and partnership with CM/Heart of the Word... we can't say it enough.  Lord bless!

Ron Jr

Director, Compassion Ministries / Heart of the Word Radio

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Recent Heart of the Word News

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1/29/2023 - MP3 DOWNLOADS and other functionality completely restored, thank you for your patience!

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9-21-2022: Streaming access for those in "ministry" (of any kind!)


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