A people of commitment... sounds like work doesn't it, but listen to the rest of that verse in II Timothy 1:!2: 'For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.' Those words of Paul are just as courageous today as they were two thousand years ago. Committed to Him - you made the choice when you received JEsus Christ as your Savior and Lord. And now He wants to work the reality of that in and through you. Paul said, 'I'm convinced, I'm sure that He'll keep everything about me to the end.'
The word 'committment' holds significant meaning as applied to the believer. Webster defines it as 'to put into charge or trust; to put into a place for safe-keeping.' Resting in the Hand of God is the most secure place I know. He's the original keeper. He keeps us from falling (Jude 24). His peace will keep our hearts and minds (Phillipians 4:7). His power will keep us day to day (I Peter 1:5). And, He'll keep us from the hour of temptation (Revelation 3:10).
The three things I felt God underscoring as things to be committed to this year are:
DISCERNMENT - a faithful, contending passionto know God's will and then do it.
2) COURAGE - a steadfast resolve to boldly facilitate the Word of God in our lives no matter the cost.
3) FAITH - a daily commitment to believe God to accomplish things we can't
I believe God is searching for a people through whom He can work His purposes and release His blessing. 'Father, give us the strength to be... powerful, tey tender; firm, yet sensitive.' Here are a few suggestions on how that comes about: (1) Believe God to work His dynamic power through you - be full of the Spirit. (2) Pray like you are going to make a difference - not just a casual, 'I hope so.' (3) Don't let the adversary shackle you with negativism - begin to consider destiny possibilities through you. (4) Be strong in the Lord - don't allow the enemy to sap you of your strength and authority.
Ron Mehl"