God has a precious way of adding a special touch of strength and loveliness to our lives at the right time. God has not established us for the sake of our retirement; but He graciously grounds us for the purpose of our growth. It is clear that we are constantly admonished to rejoice in what He has done. 'He has done great things.'
Praise and rejoicing is a pathway into everything that God wills to do among us. Constantly we are aware of the force that praise, rejoicing and a new song bring. Colossians 3:16 speaks loudly of the fact that the Word of Christ gives is made rich in its working within us as we sing and rejoice with a spiritual song, 'making melody in your hearts to the Lord.'
A song of rejoicing will generally declare in a spiritual dimension the sign of triumph and victory, the expression of conquering again the one who for so long bound you and pursued you, even to the point of your destruction (Luke 22:31). We are a conquering people, a people of victory and blessing. Rejoice like a people who know God is at work in you.
1. My enrollment in heaven - Luke 10:20
2. My receiving the Lord Jesus - Luke 19:6
3. My receiving the Word - Acts 13:48
4. Receiving tokens of love - Philippians 4:10
5. The rejoicing of others - Romans 12:15
6. Learning of brothers' and sisters' well-being - II Corinthians 7:16
7. His power - Luke 13:17
Jesus has made us to be a people of rejoicing, for He has ushered us into a whole new dimension of life. Continued rejoicing can only come as we see and experience the fresh touch of His workings toward us and in us. Let's position ourselves before Him to become a healthy people. Happy people rejoice.
Rejoice in the Lord always,
Ron Mehl"