I'd like to say that at the beginning of my life I decided to follow Jesus and to pursue and to possess all that He has for me. And that on the basis of that one-time decision, I've grown upward and upward and now am the giant of a man you see before you. I'd like to say that's true... however its not. Because, for me, growth and maturity have not come as a result of a one-time decision, but are the result of a series of decisions - the faithful choosing of God's way, and His way only. Walking in the continued glory and blessing of God requires decisions, decisions, decisions.
It seems rather foolish to believe that after a lifetime of faithful believing and possessing, Joshua would still have to make decisions to follow the Lord. But Joshua 24:15 states that, even near the end of his life, Joshua was still making choices. (1) Will you choose the Lord again today? (2) Will you choose your wife again today? (3) Will you choose your calling again today?
Most people will say, 'But Lord, I've made the decision to follow You totally.' Joshua 24:22 reveals that your life will prove your choices. Joshua offers them several decisions to be made:
1. My decision to serve Him - verse 21
2. My decision to obey Him - verse 24
3. My decision to fear Him - verse 14
In Mark 10, Jesus placed His finger on the one thing in the life of the rich young ruler that kept him from choosing the Lord. Jesus said, 'You lack one thing... and for that reason you're unable to choose Me today.' For the rich young ruler, it was his inability or unwillingness to surrender his greatest possessions. For me it may not be my possessions. However, whatever the Lord is putting His finger on in your life and mine at this point, it's probably at that place we're needing to choose and surrender. He's knowledgeable and perceptive Lord.
Learning to choose,
Ron Mehl"